"No" To Alternative Sources...
I had the pleasure of attending a conference, whose honourary speaker was the chairman of Toyota's R and D department. He was speaking primarily on 2 issues. Firstly, the ever rising world price of oil and the need to discover alternative sources of energy in order to combat this.
"Here at Toyota, we design and create the world's most fuel- efficient vehicles," was his gleeful opening statement. "Unfortunately, even fuel-efficient vehicles require fuel. Look at it this way, fuel is to cars what care and concern are to relationships. In a way, you can call both 'inspiration', if you adopt a loosely defined version of the word."
I smiled at a little at what he said. Toyota is one of the most sucessful corporations in Asia, posting huge earnings year after year. And for such a sucessful company, you would expect that its head would be pretty brilliant and well-tuned to the needs and demands of his customers. And although I don't own a Toyota, his analogy about relationships resonated in my head. As he droned on and on about the importance of developing alternative sources of energy, my mind started to drift away...
An apt song by "Dashboard Confessional" began to play in my mind. It goes: I wanna give you, whatever you need/ What is it you need, is it what I need/ I wanna give you, whatever you need/ What is it you need, is it within me/ It's hard to explain how I am getting by on so little from you/ It's hard to believe that I would let myself get so wrapped into you/ There's gotta be something, that would be worthwhile for me to give to you/ We need a connection, but you seem to push me far away from you/...
I guess I am a fuel-efficient car. And I know that my half-empty tank will soon become empty unless I am driven to the gas station and given a good refill. Then, I would beam with a beautiful smile. But for the moment, I am left wondering if "Dashboard Confessional" were singing a Love song to a bloody barrel of oil...
The Answer