
Friday, October 29, 2004

The Worth Of Physical Love

what is the greatest physical gift you can give in the name of love? no prizes for getting this right... it's your virginity, maidenhood, innocence, whatever else u wanna call it. wait a minute, what is the changster doin dwelling upon such *sacred* grounds? well, yesterday i was doin a bit of reading and reflection, and i was appalled at how what was once considered a sacred manifestation of love, which is sex, has been defiled and bastardised to no ends. why not? after all, everyone is shagging the living socks off everyone else so why don't we all jump in the bandwagon, to be received by a welcoming committee of people willing to get your socks off you?

i just feel sorry for those who lost this exclusive treasure to a moment of uncontrolled folly and passion, only to regret later on that they will never be able to bestow this great gift upon the person that they truly love. i mean, even if you are not religious, you gotta acknowledge the power of this truth. Losing your virginity is like blowing up the Eiffel tower (which by the way, is said to symbolise the male phallus). Once it is destroyed, there can never be any more like it. U see, i m on a mission to denounce pre-marital sex, not because i have suddenly become a moralist or a robed saint but it's that love has never had such a presence in my life till now that i just naturally begin to consider the related issues, oops... and yes, i m an old-world idealist who believes in the value and meaning of the word 'love'. it's just hard to find ppl who share the same definition of love as i do... for those who do, God bless your soul...

i guess the reason why ppl have generally shifted their perspective on the issue of sex is due to one word: disappointment. it seems like ppl would believe that since they have been disappointed in love before, they will never find the true version of it again. thus, they choose to ignore the what their present actions might mean in the future and enter sexual liaisons without really considering the implications. maybe it's not really their fault in that fate did deal them a bad hand, and that is why i chose to write this in the hopes that those who did experience a great loss before will not throw in the towel and choose a path that they otherwise would have started on.

the pure maiden is shedding golden tears by the river of darkness... and i m a lonely voice against the tide of promiscuity and careless actions...

well, if there be some among my faithful fanbase that belong to 'that' group, please do not stop reading my blog in the fear that i will offend you again. anyway, there is a nice tagboard by the side where you can sling mud at me and call me nasty names but whatever it is, i m really not trying to impose my opinions upon anyone. i m just trying to find some peace of mind, and regretfully, this is how the changster gets it done.

*oh boy, i can already see the kind of controversy this is gonna stir (licks palms in anticipation, slurp, slurp...)*